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Cobbs Garden PPG

We are very lucky to have a group of energetic and proactive members of our PPG and we are always on the look out for more to join us.

A Patient Participation Group is a group of patients who are keen to work together with the surgery to strengthen and develop areas of their health care services. The PPG act as the voice of the patients and a critical friend to the surgery. The PPG consists of a core group, a wider online group and sub groups who run specific projects and support (for areas such as Cancer and Beyond, Flu Clinic Support, Walking Groups and Fundraising).

The aims of this group are to:

  • Advise the practice on patient perspectives by being the voice of the patients providing insight into the responsiveness and quality of services and carry out research into patient views.
  • Encourage patients to take a greater responsibility for  their own and their family’s health and wellbeing by organising health promotion events/ information is readily available/ develop support groups i.e. cancer and beyond/ walking/ mental health support
  • Provide regular and easy to comprehend communication with patients and patient groups – develop a common language between practice and patients by liaising and collaborating with the practice staff seeking their opinions and ideas to develop an inclusive approach between patients and surgery.
  • Understanding and accepting PPG members’ different needs, experiences and perspectives committing to help all members to take part.
  • Encourage an ethos of openness and transparency
  • Commitment to confidentiality, equality and diversity and regular communication and record-keeping (e.g. of minutes of PPG )
  • Ensure succession plans for any formal positions within the PPG, Chair, secretary, treasurer.
Who Can Join?

Any patient can!

No experience is necessary, just a willingness to work together.

We have monthly meetings, face to face or online and always welcome new ideas and initiatives.

It is a wonderful community of people supporting our NHS and local surgery and all you need is a genuine interest to be involved.

We are looking for as wide a demographic as possible to capture the voice of the patient population, the only criteria is you must be a patient of Cobbs Garden Surgery.

To join:

How to contact the group

For further details please click on the links to read:

Next meeting

11th March 2025

Patient Participation Group annual reports

To follow.

Meeting minutes
The National Association for Patient Participation

The National Association for Patient Participation (N.A.P.P) is a charity organisation that promotes and supports patient participation in primary care. Patient participation is a unique partnership between patients, GPs and their practice. It is essential to ensure high quality care designed specifically for patients.

N.A.P.P is the only UK umbrella organisation for patient-led groups in general practice and they provide essential support through a comprehensive range of specialist resources. They provide useful information, conferences, workshops, research, consultancy and more to help support Patient Groups in the UK.

Milton Keynes Health Watch

We have close links with our local healthwatch.

Visit their website for more information.